The Builders' School
...building ideas, crafting solutions
MEANINGFUL TEACHING & LEARNING involves collaboration among children, a team of teachers and school leaders, and parents with a shared vision about children, learning and schooling.
WE BELIEVE that children build, craft and connect. They are caring & spirited learners with prior knowledge and diverse experiences meant to be shared with others. Children can learn best in a safe, fun and interesting school which allow for learning independently and collaboratively while connecting with peers and teachers.
OUR SMALL SCHOOL is a place for both children and teachers
to challenge themselves and experience life as citizens capable of inspiring and contributing to the growth of their peers, colleagues, families and communities.
OUR VISION is towards learner and teacher growth so that we continue to become a keyplayer in a network of progressive schools in the Philippines.
Read more about progressive education and the school's history.
When we started the school, we thought that we had things under control. We knew then that with our combined knowledge,
experience and training in teaching, we could provide
the best kind of education possible for our students.
After seven years, we now know that we are only partly correct.
We somehow expected that the quality oflearning at Builders' will be influenced by what our students brought to the table
of teaching & learning. Our students over the years have looked at us squarely in the eyes when we asked all manner of questions, answered them, and thre back questions of their own.
The last seven years have been like a well played UAAP volleyball championship wherein the ball bounced, whizzed, and spiked
without ever touching the floor or going beyond the lines.
What we thought was a laboratory for our growing knowledge
of education quickly transformed into a workshop wherein
everyone crafted projects of mind, body and spirit.
At the times th eprojects wre collaborative,
sometimes they were individual masterpieces.
Builders' School is everyone's school. It is everyone's work in progress.
Victor Aguilar Villanueva
School Director 2007-2015