The Builders' School
...building ideas, crafting solutions
We also believe that ALL teachers are language teachers hence the honing of communication skills also happen in all subject areas, especially Math, Science and Project Period.
Our Inquiry Learning Projects allow us to make use of language meaningfully as we undergo enriching experiences in order for good communication to happen.
To put it bluntly, we are not bound by prescriptive, textbook driven language learning. Otherwise, there's not much to talk nor write about!
What is LANGUAGE LEARNING like at Builders'?
At Builders' School we want our children to develop proficient use of English and FIlipino so that they become biliterate learners and effective communicators. We aim to do this through a Balanced Literacy Approach.
Our school acknowledges the need to have a balance between skills instruction and meaningful literacy experiences. At the classroom level, this simply means we divide our weekly activities and daily sessions in such a way that our children undergo:
engaging with authentic literature through whole class storytelling and discussions for meaningful oral language development and developing good story sense
direct instruction to develop phonemic awareness, decoding and fluency in reading
structured writing activities to focus on sentence-paragraph construction after storytelling or reading of narratives and informative texts
creative writing through reading response activities, or individual and group storywriting
mini-lessons for word study and vocabulary development, learning about story elements, modeling ways of thinking through stories
grammar lessons which are timely and properly sequenced